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F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

Jerry Giddens & Killeen Foundry, Damn It Abby! From Los Angeles to New Orleans lies the tale of Jerry Giddens. He was a prime mover on the West Coast in the early '80s, hammering out a durable rock identity in the rough and tumble L.A. clubs. But enough became enough and off to Louisiana he went, becoming a college professor and digging into the Crescent City. He continued to record albums and perform live, and today sounds like he's put all the pieces of the whole puzzle together. Maybe it just takes a decade or so to hit center, but Giddens has now found it. Bill Bentley – “Bentley’s Bandstand” The Morton  Report      


“Singer-Songwriter Jerry Giddens ranks high on my must-see/must-hear list because he can drive home serious, sensible, original words while making even an audience that doesn’t agree with him or his songs laugh and join the party.” San Antonio Express News


E V E N T S​

Jerry Giddens

  25th Annual 

San Francisco


June10th 2023

   My porch will be at

      Ivory and Vine

    3248 22nd Street

         1:00 - 1:50 pm











It's always good to start the new year on a light note. So, check out the first "Strangest" list Jerry has ever made.


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